Monday, June 8, 2009

It's that time again . . .

Wow, may went by in a FLASH. I can't believe June is here and with it the true start of Summer- yay!

Just wanted to give ya'll a quick heads up about our meeting this wednesday (June 10th). We'll be having a demo/class on taking photos so we can all improve our etsy shops. The info will be given by our own Jenny of Cheeky and Swank and I can't wait! Since shop photos are what generates interest, this info should be invaluable for getting your items noticed.

Also the challenge for June was " Summertime" so don't forget to bring your item so we can all show and tell. Also, send me a picture and a brief description and I'll get those posted to our blog.

Speaking of blog, we need to get some more content here! If you have any item - at all that even remotely deals with our team, your shop, your items or whatever, PLEASE post so we can keep things interesting.

This moonth's meeting will be at Suzie's home, and I've emailed the address to everyone. If you didn't get it, send a message to madeforcache and I'll get it over to you.

One last thing to remember, lat time we talked briefly about carpooling to Salt Lake City for their farmers market so we can check it out and see if anyone wants to get a booth near the market in coming weeks. Be thinking if you want to go and if you're available to drive and we'll work out how to get everyone who wants to go down there.

Have a great night and I hope to see you there!

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