As you can see, we had a great time at our April meeting. Everyone did a great job on thier Spring Challenge items and it was wonderful to get to appreciate everyone's work up close and personal.
The new challenge is to be inspired by Cache Valley. You can use the mountains, trees, landmarks or even our cheese - whatever gets your creative juices flowing. Once you've completed your challenge item, email me a pic and description and we'll post a show and tell for May's meeting.
We also want to welcome a new member, Liz of
LizzyLous. She makes items from wool and her lambs are super cute!
Another thing to look forward to this month will be our featured blog writers. This week it's Jen from Sparrow Originals and we'll get to learn all sorts of new things about her and things she makes and sells. Next week(20-24th) we'll get to hear from Charlene of Char's Impressions and I'll round out the end of the month. Check back to see what our members are all about!
We also discussed some details about our upcoming show. There's another home show going on this weekend -
April 17 5-8 pm & April 18 9am -4 pm for a group called Cache Valley Artisans which will feature our own Suzie Stones! It will be held at
1819 N 1700 East in Logan, so drop by and see how it's done. We can learn a lot from this show that will help our own show be a success. I think we want to shoot for one of the last weekends in May like the 22-23 or 29-30 or maybe even June 22 wich would be the Saturday after our June Meeting so we could finalize details. I don't know,
comment and tell me what you think would be a good idea.
As a heads up, the Salt Lake City Art Market will be starting in June and we want to organize a field trip to check it out and see what's required to set up a booth on the "fee free" outskirts of the market so that interested people can see if they want to come back and set up a booth. We'll see who wants to go at the may meeting and we can arrange a car pool when the time gets closer
Finally, we set up our May meeting for May 13th at 7:00 at Jan's house. The agenda will include planning for our home show, the show and tell of the challenge items and any marketing or promotional items you want to discuss or are from the packets Jan handed out. If you have any ideas you'd like to discuss with the group, please let me know or bring it up at the meeting.
Also, thanks to Hilary for making the cool buttons that are in the sidebar. Paste one into your site or blog using the gadget function and spread the word for Made For Cache.